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Welcome to ClickSteel® – your ultimate shop for Colorbond® steel


Dear ##company-name##,

A warm welcome to you. We are excited to have you on board.

ClickSteel’s special alliance with the Asset Builders Group, accords all members with super exclusive price discounts, preferred order processing, priority trade support, and much more at ClickSteel online.

ClickSteel has partnered with BlueScope, and Australia’s most trusted manufacturer to bring you the widest range of Colorbond steel building products – custom lengths, instant quotes, secure online, fast delivery.

As you may have figured, you don’t need to stress with Store Open/close Hours to place your orders, or wait weeks for Special Orders desk to process your orders, or stress on collection of order.

Our super efficient trade platform has been designed and developed to provide an intuitive and seamless customer experience that makes shopping for Colorbond steel materials, convenient and hassle free.

Next steps:

  1. To get started please set your account password ##password-reset-link##
  2. Log in to your account and start shopping –

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

Best regards,

Trade Support | ClickSteel

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